Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Buiter, Willem Hendrik
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Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autor:innen |
1985 | Macroeconomic Policy Design in an Interdependent World Economy: An Analysis of Three Contingencies | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1985 | A Guide to Public Sector Debt and Deficit | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | Macroeconomic Responses by Developing Countries to Changes in External Economic Conditions | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | Death, Population and Growth, Productivity Growth and Debt Neutrality | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | Borrowing to Defend the Exchange Rate and the Timing and Magnitude of Speculative Attacks: Fiscal Prerequisites for a Visible Managed Exchange Rate Regime. Part 1 | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | A 'Gold Standard' Isn't Viable Unless Supported by Sufficiently Flexible Monetary and Fiscal Policy | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | Granger-Causality and Policy Ineffectiveness: A Rejoinder | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1986 | Structural and Stabilization Aspects of Fiscal and Financial Policy in the Dependent Economy, Part I | Buiter, Willem Hendrik |
1992 | Permanent International Productivity Growth Differentials in an Integrated Global Economy. The Roles of Households, Non-Tradedness, Self-Financing and Fiscal Policy | Buiter, Willem Hendrik; Kletzer, Kenneth M. |
1993 | Indian Public Finance in the 1990s: Challenges and Prospects | Buiter, Willem Hendrik; Patel, Urjit Ravindra |