Browsing All of EconStor by Author Brunow, Stephan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Age Structure and Regional Income GrowthBrunow, Stephan; Hirte, Georg
2008The age pattern of human capital and regional productivityHirte, Georg; Brunow, Stephan
2009Regional age structure and economic growth: an econometric study for German regionsBrunow, Stephan; Hirte, Georg
2010Regional industrial firm growth under monopolistic competition and human capital externalitiesBrunow, Stephan
2011Effects of cultural diversity on individual establishmentsBrunow, Stephan; Blien, Uwe
2011The Effect of a Culturally Diverse Population on Regional Income in EU RegionsBrunow, Stephan; Brenzel, Hanna
2012Cultural diversity and plant-level productivityTrax, Michaela; Brunow, Stephan; Südekum, Jens
2012Wie wird sich der Arbeitsmarkt langfristig entwickeln? Methoden und Validitäten von Prognosen zur Vorhersage von Fachkräfteangebot und -bedarfBrunow, Stephan; Garloff, Alfred; Wapler, Rüdiger; Zika, Gerd
2012Cultural diversity and plant-level productivityTrax, Michaela; Brunow, Stephan; Suedekum, Jens
2013Fachkräftebedarf in Deutschland: Zur kurz- und langfristigen Entwicklung von Fachkräfteangebot und -nachfrage, Arbeitslosigkeit und ZuwanderungBrücker, Herbert; Brunow, Stephan; Fuchs, Johann; Kubis, Alexander; Mendolicchio, Concetta; Weber, Enzo
2013Cultural diversity and plant-level productivityTrax, Michaela; Brunow, Stephan; Suedekum, Jens
2013Firm Formation and Agglomeration under Monopolistic CompetitionBrunow, Stephan; Nijkamp, Peter
2014What types of firms tend to be more innovative: A study on GermanyBrunow, Stephan; Nafts, Valentina
2015Exports, agglomeration and workforce diversity: An empirical assessment for German establishmentsBrunow, Stephan; Grünwald, Luise
2015Exports, agglomeration and workforce diversity: An empirical assessment for German establishmentsBrunow, Stephan; Grünwald, Luise
2015Long-lasting Labour Market Consequences of German UnificationMöller, Joachim; Blien, Uwe; thi Hong Van, Phan; Brunow, Stephan
2015Agglomeration effects on labor productivity: An assessment with microdataBrunow, Stephan; Blien, Uwe
2016Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital ageBode, Eckhardt; Brunow, Stephan; Ott, Ingrid; Sorgner, Alina
2016Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital ageBode, Eckhardt; Brunow, Stephan; Ott, Ingrid; Sorgner, Alina
2016Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital ageBode, Eckhardt; Brunow, Stephan; Ott, Ingrid; Sorgner, Alina