Browsing All of EconStor by Author Brück, Tilman

Showing results 1 to 20 of 107
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2002Stability criteria and convergence : the role of the system of national accounts for fiscal policy in EuropeBrück, Tilman; Cors, Andreas; Zimmermann, Klaus F.; Zwiener, Rudolf
2002Die ökonomischen Folgen des neuen globalen TerrorismusBrück, Tilman
2002Förderung von Agenturen für haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen schafft Arbeitsplätze für Geringqualifizierte: Vorschlag aus Rheinland-Pfalz kann eine halbe Million Arbeitsplätze bringenBrück, Tilman; Haisken-DeNew, John P.; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2003Krieg und Wiederaufbau im IrakBrück, Tilman; Schubert, Sven
2003Land Access, Tenure and Investment in Post-War Northern MozambiqueBrück, Tilman
2003Creating low skilled jobs by subsidising market-contracted household workZimmermann, Klaus F.; Haisken-DeNew, John P.; Brück, Tilman
2003Creating low skilled jobs by subsidizing market-contracted household workBrück, Tilman; Haisken-DeNew, John P.; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2003Coping Strategies in Post-War Rural MozambiqueBrück, Tilman
2004Fiscal Policy Rules for Stabilisation and Growth : A Simulation Analysis of Deficit and Expenditure Targets in a Monetary UnionBrück, Tilman; Zwiener, Rudolf
2004The Welfare Effects of Farm Household Activity Choices in Post-War MozambiqueBrück, Tilman
2004EU-Osterweiterung: klare Herausforderungen, unberechtigte ÄngsteBrück, Tilman; Brücker, Herbert; Engerer, Hella; von Hirschhausen, Christian; Schrooten, Mechthild; Schumacher, Dieter; Thießen, Ulrich; Trabold, Harald
2004An Economic Analysis of Security PoliciesBrück, Tilman
2004Lohnkosten im internationalen VergleichBrück, Tilman; Uhlendorff, Arne; Woweries, Malte
2005Coping Strategies in Post-War Rural MozambiqueBrück, Tilman
2005Herausforderungen für die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik vor dem Millennium+5-GipfelBrück, Tilman; Watkins, Kevin
2005Challenges for German Development Cooperation in the Run-up to the Millennium +5 SummitBrück, Tilman; Watkins, Kevin
2005Do Eurozone Countries Cheat with their Budget Deficit Forecasts?Brück, Tilman; Stephan, Andreas
2005Scale-Free Networks in International TradeBaskaran, Thushyanthan; Brück, Tilman
2005Do Eurozone Countries Cheat with their Budget Deficit Forecasts?Stephan, Andreas; Brück, Tilman
2006External Debt in Post-Conflict CountriesAlvarez-Plata, Patricia; Brück, Tilman