Browsing All of EconStor by Author Boyacı, Tamer

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Pricing when customers have limited attentionBoyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2016Consumer choice under limited attention when options have different information costsHüttner, Frank; Boyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2016Design for reusability and product reuse under radical innovationBoyacı, Tamer; Verter, Vedat; Galbreth, Michael R.
2016Consumer choice under limited attention when options have different information costsHüttner, Frank; Boyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2017Pricing when customers have limited attentionBoyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2018Opaque queues: Service systems with rationally inattentive customersCanyakmaz, Caner; Boyacı, Tamer
2018Consumer choice under limited attention when alternatives have different information costsHüttner, Frank; Boyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2018Consumer choice under limited attention when alternatives have different information costsHüttner, Frank; Boyacı, Tamer; Akçay, Yalçın
2020Human and machine: The impact of machine input on decision-making under cognitive limitationsBoyacı, Tamer; Canyakmaz, Caner; de Véricourt, Francis
2020Queueing systems with rationally inattentive customersCanyakmaz, Caner; Boyacı, Tamer
2020Beyond retail stores: Managing product proliferation along the supply chainBiçer, Isık; Lücker, Florian; Boyacı, Tamer
2021Beyond retail stores: Managing product proliferation along the supply chainBiçer, Işık; Lücker, Florian; Boyacı, Tamer
2021Beyond retail stores: Managing product proliferation along the supply chainBiçer, Işık; Lücker, Florian; Boyacı, Tamer
2022Human and machine: The impact of machine input on decision-making under cognitive limitationsBoyacı, Tamer; Canyakmaz, Caner; de Véricourt, Francis