Browsing All of EconStor by Author Bond, Stephen
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | Corporate tax harmonisation in Europe: A guide to the debate | Bond, Stephen; Chennells, Lucy; Devereux, Michael P.; Gammie, Malcolm; Troup, Edward |
2001 | Criterion-based inference for GMM in autoregressive panel data models | Bond, Stephen; Bowsher, Clive; Windmeijer, Frank |
2001 | The dynamics of investment under uncertainty | Bloom, Nicholas; Bond, Stephen; Van Reenen, John |
2001 | Noisy share prices and the Q model of investment | Bond, Stephen; Cummins, Jason |
2005 | Adjustment costs and the identification of Cobb Douglas production functions | Bond, Stephen; Söderbom, Måns |
2005 | Unit roots: Identification and testing in micro panels | Bond, Stephen; Nauges, Céline; Windmeijer, Frank |