Browsing All of EconStor by Author Bayer, Christian

Showing results 1 to 20 of 60
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Convergence in West German Regional Unemployment RatesJuessen, Falko; Bayer, Christian
2006Convergence in West German Regional Unemployment RatesBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2006On the dynamics of interstate migration: Migration costs and self-selectionBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2006Strategic unemploymentAngerhausen, Julia; Bayer, Christian; Hehenkamp, Burkhard
2006On the Dynamics of Interstate Migration: Migration Costs and Self-SelectionBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2008Is Double Trouble? – How to Combine Cointegration TestsBayer, Christian; Hanck, Christoph
2008Is double trouble? How to combine cointegration testsBayer, Christian; Hanck, Christoph
2008On the dynamics of interstate migration: migration costs and self-selectionBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2008Corporate governance and incentive contracts: historical evidence from a legal reformBayer, Christian; Burhop, Carsten
2009The cross-section of firms over the business cycle : new facts and a DSGE explorationBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian
2009Firm-specific productivity risk over the business cycle : facts and aggregate implicationsBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian
2009The life-cycle and the business-cycle of wage risk: a cross-country comparisonBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2009Firm-specific productivity risk over the business cycle: facts and aggregate implicationsBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian
2009The cross-section of firms over the business cycle: new facts and a DSGE explorationBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian
2010Matching and saving in continuous time: ProofsBayer, Christian; Wälde, Klaus
2011Describing the Dynamics of Distribution in Search and Matching Models by Fokker-Planck EquationsWälde, Klaus; Bayer, Christian
2012Happiness and the persistence of income shocksBayer, Christian; Juessen, Falko
2013Cyclicality of Job and Worker Flows: New Data and a New Set of Stylized FactsWellschmied, Felix Maximilian; Bachmann, Rüdiger; Bayer, Christian; Seth, Stefan
2013Cyclicality of job and worker flows: New data and a new set of stylized factsBachmann, Ruediger; Bayer, Christian; Seth, Stefan; Wellschmied, Felix
2013Happiness and the Persistence of Income ShocksJüßen, Falko; Bayer, Christian