Browsing All of EconStor by Author Autor, David H.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | Do temporary help jobs improve labor market outcomes for low-skilled workers? Evidence from Random assignments | Autor, David H.; Houseman, Susan N. |
2007 | Do employment protections reduce productivity? Evidence from US states | Autor, David H.; Kerr, William R.; Kugler, Adriana D. |
2008 | The economics of labor market intermediation: an analytic framework | Autor, David H. |
2009 | This job is getting old: measuring changes in job opportunities using occupational age structure | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David |
2009 | Inequality and specialization: the growth of low-skill service jobs in the United States | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David |
2012 | The growth of low skill service jobs and the polarization of the US labor market | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David |
2013 | Untangling trade and technology: Evidence from local labor markets | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. |
2013 | The "task approach" to labor markets: An overview | Autor, David H. |
2013 | The geography of trade and technology shocks in the United States | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. |
2013 | The China syndrome: Local labor market effects of import competition in the United States | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. |
2013 | The “task approach” to labor markets: an overview | Autor, David H. |
2014 | Trade Adjustment: Worker Level Evidence | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H.; Song, Jae |
2015 | Import Competition and the Great U.S. Employment Sag of the 2000s | Acemoglu, Daron; Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H.; Price, Brendan |
2016 | Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes | Autor, David H.; Figlio, David N.; Karbownik, Krzysztof; Roth, Jeffrey; Wasserman, Melanie |
2016 | The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. |
2017 | Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Katz, Lawrence F.; Patterson, Christina; Reenen, John Van |
2018 | When Work Disappears: Manufacturing Decline and the Falling Marriage Market Value of Young Men | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H. |
2018 | Trade and labor markets: Lessons from China's rise | Autor, David H. |
2019 | Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents | Autor, David H.; Dorn, David; Hanson, Gordon H.; Pisano, Gary; Shu, Pian |
2021 | Labor studies | Autor, David H.; Mas, Alexandre |