Browsing All of EconStor by Author Asplund, Rita

Showing results 1 to 20 of 38
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1992Education, Experience and Earnings in Finland: Data Analysis and Complementary Estimation ResultsAsplund, Rita
1992Human Capital Earnings Functions: A Theoretical IntroductionAsplund, Rita
1992Education, Experience and Earnings in Finland: Empirical Evidence from a Cross Section of IndividualsAsplund, Rita
1992Occupational Earnings Differentials in Finland - Empirical Evidence from a Cross Section of IndividualsAsplund, Rita
1993Human Capital and Industry Wage Differentials in FinlandAsplund, Rita
1993Private- and Public-Sector Earnings Structures in FinlandAsplund, Rita
1994Wage Differentials, Wage Mobility and Skills in Finnish Industry. An empirical analysis of the period 1980-1992Asplund, Rita
1995Employer Size-Effectsin the Nordic CountriesAlbaek, Karsten; Arai, Mahmood; Asplund, Rita
1995The Gender Wage Gap in Finnish Industry in 1980-1994.An empirical analysis of non-manual workersAsplund, Rita
1998Labour Market Transitions in Finland. Does background matter?Asplund, Rita; Lilja, Reija
2000Private returns to education in Finland: Back to basicsAsplund, Rita
2000Pay, risk, and productivity: The case of Finland, 1980 - 1996Meyersson-Milgrom, Eva M.; Petersen, Trond; Asplund, Rita
2000Unemployment among Finnish Manufacturing Workers. Who Gets Unemployed and from Where?Asplund, Rita
2000Inhimillinen pääoma ja palkat Suomessa: Paluu perusmalliinAsplund, Rita
2000Employment and unemployment in Finnish manufacturing 1985 - 95: Is technological progress the cause or the cure?Asplund, Rita; Lilja, Reija
2001Innovation and performance in manufacturing industries: A comparison of the Nordic countriesLööf, Hans; Heshmati, Almas; Asplund, Rita; Nåås, Svein-Olav
2001Mobility and earnings: An analysis of Finnish manufacturing and servicesAsplund, Rita
2001Koulutus, palkkaerot ja syrjäytyminenAsplund, Rita
2002Dimensions of the Wage-dimensions Relationship in the Nordic Countries: Wage Flexibility without Wage CurvesAlbÆk, Karsten; Asplund, Rita; Blomskog, Stig; Barth, Erling; Guðmundsson, Björn Runar; Karlsson, Vifill; Madsen, Erik
2002Private vs. Public Sector Returns to Human Capital in FinlandAsplund, Rita