Browsing All of EconStor by Author Antoni, Manfred

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2006Arbeitnehmerüberlassung: Boomende Branche mit hoher FluktuationAntoni, Manfred; Jahn, Elke J.
2006Do changes in regulation affect employment duration in temporary work agencies?Antoni, Manfred; Jahn, Elke J.
2006Do changes in regulation affect employment duration in temporary work agencies?Antoni, Manfred; Jahn, Elke J.
2006Do changes in regulation affect employment duration in temporary work agencies?Antoni, Manfred; Jahn, Elke J.
2007Jugendliche: Die Schwächsten kamen seltener zum ZugAntoni, Manfred; Dietrich, Hans; Jungkunst, Maria; Matthes, Britta; Plicht, Hannelore
2011Lifelong learning inequality? The relevance of family background for on-the-job trainingAntoni, Manfred
2011ALWA – New Life Course Data for GermanyKleinert, Corinna; Matthes, Britta; Antoni, Manfred; Drasch, Katrin; Ruland, Michael; Trahms, Annette
2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earningsAntoni, Manfred; Heineck, Guido
2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earningsAntoni, Manfred; Heineck, Guido
2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earningsAntoni, Manfred; Heineck, Guido
2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earningsAntoni, Manfred; Heineck, Guido
2012ALWA-ADIAB – Linked Individual Survey and Administrative Data for Substantive and Methodological ResearchAntoni, Manfred; Seth, Stefan
2014The hidden winners of renewable energy promotion: Insights into sector-specific wage differentialsAntoni, Manfred; Janser, Markus; Lehmer, Florian
2014Die versteckten Gewinner der Energiewende: Lohnunterschiede im Bereich der Erneuerbaren EnergienAntoni, Manfred; Janser, Markus; Lehmer, Florian
2018Insolvenzen in Deutschland: Deutliche Spuren in den Biografien der BeschäftigtenAntoni, Manfred; Fackler, Daniel; Hank, Eva; Stegmaier, Jens
2018Firm Organization with Multiple EstablishmentsGumpert, Anna; Steimer, Henrike; Antoni, Manfred
2019Firm organization with multiple establishmentsGumpert, Anna; Steimer, Henrike; Antoni, Manfred
2021Do asset purchase programmes shape industry dynamics? Evidence from the ECB's SMP on plant entries and exitsAntoni, Manfred; Sondershaus, Talina