Browsing All of EconStor by Author Amaral, Sofia

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Population sex ratios and violence against women: The long-run effects of sex selection in IndiaAmaral, Sofia; Bhalotra, Sonia R.
2017Do improved property rights decrease violence against women in India?Amaral, Sofia
2020Familiäre Gewalt und die Covid-19-Pandemie: Ein Überblick über die erwarteten Auswirkungen und mögliche AuswegeAmarel, Sofia; Endl-Geyer, Victoria; Rainer, Helmut; Amaral, Sofia
2021Gender, Crime and Punishment: Evidence from Women Police Stations in IndiaAmaral, Sofia; Bhalotra, Sonia; Prakash, Nishith
2021Gender, Crime and Punishment: Evidence from Women Police Stations in IndiaAmaral, Sofia; Bhalotra, Sonia R.; Prakash, Nishith
2022Talk or Text? Evaluating Response Rates by Remote Survey Method during Covid-19Amaral, Sofia; Dinarte-Diaz, Lelys; Dominguez, Patricio; Romero, Steffanny; Perez-Vincent, Santiago M.
2022¿Ayudar a las familias a ayudarse a sí mismas? Efectos (in)deseados de un programa digital de crianzaAmaral, Sofia; Dinarte-Diaz, Lelys; Domínguez, Patricio; Perez-Vincent, Santiago M.
2022Helping families help themselves? The (un)intended impacts of a digital parenting programAmaral, Sofia; Dinarte-Diaz, Lelys; Domínguez, Patricio; Perez-Vincent, Santiago M.
2023Deterrence or Backlash? Arrests and the Dynamics of Domestic ViolenceAmaral, Sofia; Dahl, Gordon B.; Endl-Geyer, Victoria; Hener, Timo; Rainer, Helmut
2023Häusliche Gewalt und die hohe Anzahl an Wiederholungstaten – ist eine vorläufige Verhaftung der Täter sinnvoll?Amaral, Sofia; Dahl, Gordon; Endl-Geyer, Victoria; Hener, Timo; Rainer, Helmut; Kaiser, Victoria
2023Deterrence or Backlash? Arrests and the Dynamics of Domestic ViolenceAmaral, Sofia; Dahl, Gordon B.; Endl-Geyer, Victoria; Hener, Timo; Rainer, Helmut
2023Emergency calls reveal the importance of arrests in reducing repeat domestic violenceAmaral, Sofia; Dahl, Gordon B.; Hener, Timo; Kaiser, Victoria; Rainer, Helmut