Browsing All of EconStor by Author Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Developing Supra-European Emissions Trading Schemes: An Efficiency and International Trade AnalysisAlexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Anger, Niels
2008Alleviating Adverse Implications of EU Climate Policy on Competitiveness: The Case for Border Tax Adjustments or the Clean Development Mechanism?Anger, Niels; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Löschel, Andreas
2008Climate Policy and the Problem of Competitiveness: Border Tax Adjustments or Integrated Emission Trading?Löschel, Andreas; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Mennel, Tim
2009KfW/ZEW CO2 Panel 2009: Leaving the Trial Phase behind – Preferences & Strategies of German Companies under the EU ETSDetken, Annette; Löschel, Andreas; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Heindl, Peter; Lo, Vivien; Strunz, Marianne
2010Understanding the competitiveness implications of future phases of EU ETS on the industrial sectorsOberndorfer, Ulrich; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Löschel, Andreas
2010Cost pass-through of the EU emissions allowances: Examining the European petroleum marketsAlexeeva-Talebi, Victoria
2010Cost pass-through in strategic oligopoly: Sectoral evidence for the EU ETSAlexeeva-Talebi, Victoria
2011Unilateral climate policy and competitiveness: The implications of differential emission pricingBöhringer, Christoph; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria
2011The SUSTRUS model: a CGE model on regional level for sustainability policies in RussiaHeyndrickx, Christophe; Tourdyeva, Natalia; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria
2012Implications of an increase in domestic prices of gas in Russia, an application of the regional economic model SUSTRUSHeyndrickx, Christophe; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Tourdyeva, Natalia
2012To raise or not to raise? Impact assessment of Russia's incremental gas price reformHeyndrickx, Christophe; Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Tourdyeva, Natalia
2012The value-added of sectoral disaggregation: Implications on competitive consequences of climate change policiesAlexeeva-Talebi, Victoria; Böhringer, Christoph; Löschel, Andreas; Voigt, Sebastian