Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Afonso, António

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2003Public sector efficiency: an international comparisonAfonso, António; Schuknecht, Ludger; Tanzi, Vito
2004A Note on Public Spending EfficiencyAfonso, António
2004Fiscal policy events and interest rate swap spreads: evidence from the EUAfonso, António; Strauch, Rolf
2005Fiscal consolidations in the Central and Eastern European countriesAfonso, António; Nickel, Christiane; Rother, Philipp
2005Ricardian fiscal regimes in the European UnionAfonso, António
2005Quality of public finances and growthAfonso, António; Ebert, Werner; Schuknecht, Ludger; Thöne, Michael
2005Cross-country efficiency of secondary education provision: a semi-parametric analysis with non-discretionary inputsAfonso, António; St. Aubyn, Miguel
2006Sustainability of fiscal policy in the EU-15Afonso, António
2006Public sector efficiency: evidence for new EU member states and emerging marketsAfonso, António; Schuknecht, Ludger; Tanzi, Vito
2006Excess burden and the cost of inefficiency in public services provisionAfonso, António; Gaspar, Vítor
2006Expansionary fiscal consolidations in Europe: new evidenceAfonso, António
2007The dynamic behaviour of budget components and outputAfonso, António; Claeys, Peter
2007What do we really know about fiscal sustainability in the EU? A panel data diagnosticAfonso, António; Rault, Christophe
2007What “hides” behind sovereign debt ratings?Afonso, António; Gomes, Pedro; Rother, Philipp
2007Business cycle synchronization and insurance mechanisms in the EUAfonso, António; Furceri, Davide
2008Budgetary and external imbalances relationship: a panel data diagnosticAfonso, António; Rault, Christophe
2008Government size, composition, volatility and economic growthAfonso, António; Furceri, Davide
2008Fiscal policy responsiveness, persistence and discretionAfonso, António; Agnello, Luca; Furceri, Davide
2008Macroeconomic rates of return of public and private investment: crowding-in and crowding-out effectsAfonso, António; St. Aubyn, Miguel
2008Income distribution determinants and public spending efficiencyAfonso, António; Schuknecht, Ludger; Tanzi, Vito