Browsing All of EconStor by Author Adema, Joop

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Deposit Insurance: System Design and Implementation Across CountriesAdema, Joop; Hainz, Christa; Rhode, Carla
2019Minimum Wages Across CountriesAdema, Joop; Giesing, Yvonne; Schönauer, Anne; Stitteneder, Tanja
2019Innovation – Global Trends and RegulationAdema, Joop; Giesing, Yvonne; Gorochovskij, Julia; Stitteneder, Tanja
2021On the Stability of Risk Preferences: Measurement MattersAdema, Joop; Nikolka, Till; Poutvaara, Panu; Sunde, Uwe
2021On the Stability of Risk Preferences: Measurement MattersAdema, Joop; Nikolka, Till; Poutvaara, Panu; Sunde, Uwe
2021Mobile internet access and the desire to emigrateAdema, Joop; Aksoy, Cevat Giray; Poutvaara, Panu
2022Immigrant NarrativesGehring, Kai; Adema, Joop; Poutvaara, Panu
2022Following the Online Trail of Ukrainian Refugees through Google TrendsAdema, Joop; Guha, Maitreyee; Adema, Joop Age Harm
2022Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und Geflüchtete in Bayern und ihre Bedeutung für den bayerischen ArbeitsmarktAdema, Joop; Albrecht, Clara; Giesing, Yvonne; Panchenko, Tetyana; Poutvaara, Panu
2023Wiederaufbauplan: Wie gelingt der Neuanfang in der Ukraine?Poluschkin, Garry; Kirchner, Robert; Bergmann, Julian; Hoyer, Werner; Harms, Michael; Schulze, Gerit; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan; Nivievskyi, Oleg; Pleines, Heiko; Stewart, Susan; Adema, Joop; Giesing, Yvonne; Panchenko, Tetyana; Poutvaara, Panu; Adema, Joop Age Harm
2023The role of the diaspora for the recovery of UkraineAdema, Joop; Giesing, Yvonne; Panécenko, T. V.; Poutvaara, Panu
2023The Effect of Conflict on Ukrainian Refugees' Return and IntegrationAdema, Joop; Aksoy, Cevat Giray; Giesing, Yvonne; Poutvaara, Panu
2023Immigrant narratives in German newspapersGehring, Kai; Adema, Joop; Poutvaara, Panu
2024The Effect of Conflict on Refugees' Return and Integration: Evidence from UkraineAdema, Joop; Aksoy, Cevat Giray; Giesing, Yvonne; Poutvaara, Panu