Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wolter, Stefan C.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 80
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Apprenticeship training and the business cycleMühlemann, Samuel; Wolter, Stefan C.; Wüest, Adrian
2009Money matters: evidence from a large-scale Randomized field experiment with vouchers for adult trainingMesser, Dolores; Wolter, Stefan C.
2010Labor Market Effects of Adult Education Vouchers: Evidence from a Randomized Field ExperimentSchwerdt, Guido; Messer, Dolores; Wolter, Stefan C.; Wößmann, Ludger
2010Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education micro level evidence for the case of SwitzerlandBusemeyer, Marius R.; Cattaneo, Maria Alejandra; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011Who is afraid of school choice?Diem, Andrea; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011The consequences of being different: Statistical discrimination and the school-to-work transitionMueller, Barbara; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011The consequences of being different: Statistical discrimination and the school-to-work transitionMueller, Barbara; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011A gift is not always a gift: Gift exchange in a voucher experimentBecker, Sascha O.; Messer, Dolores; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011Too far to go? Does distance determine study choices?Denzler, Stefan; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011Effects of adult education vouchers on the labor market: Evidence from a randomized field experimentSchwerdt, Guido; Messer, Dolores; Woessmann, Ludger; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011Effects of adult education vouchers on the labor market: Evidence from a randomized field experimentSchwerdt, Guido; Messer, Dolores; Woessmann, Ludger; Wolter, Stefan C.
2011Career changers in teaching jobs: A case study based on the Swiss vocational education systemHof, Stefanie; Strupler, Mirjam; Wolter, Stefan C.
2014Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Social Public Procurement Policy: The Case of the Swiss Apprenticeship Training SystemStrupler Leiser, Mirjam; Wolter, Stefan C.
2014Overeducation among Swiss university graduates: determinants and consequencesDiem, Andrea; Wolter, Stefan C.
2014Return on investment of apprenticeship systems for enterprises: Evidence from cost-benefit analysesMuehlemann, Samuel; Wolter, Stefan C.
2015Better migrants, better PISA results: Findings from a natural experimentCattaneo, Maria A.; Wolter, Stefan C.
2016The More, the Better? The Impact of Instructional Time on Student PerformanceCattaneo, Alejandra; Oggenfuss, Chantal; Wolter, Stefan C.
2016Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Social Public Procurement Policy: The Case of the Swiss Apprenticeship Training SystemStrupler Leiser, Mirjam; Wolter, Stefan C.
2016The More, the Better? The Impact of Instructional Time on Student PerformanceCattaneo, Maria Alejandra; Oggenfuss, Chantal; Wolter, Stefan C.
2016Lost in Transition: The Influence of Locus of Control on Delaying Educational DecisionsJaik, Katharina; Wolter, Stefan C.