Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Wahba, Jackline

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2015Who benefits from return migration to developing countries?Wahba, Jackline
2015Selection, Selection, Selection: the Impact of Return MigrationWahba, Jackline
2016International Migration: Driver of Political and Social Change?Tuccio, Michele; Wahba, Jackline; Hamdouch, Bachir
2016Return Plans and Migrants' BehaviorChabé-Ferret, Bastien; Machado, Joel; Wahba, Jackline
2017Political Change and Informality: Evidence from the Arab SpringElsayed, Ahmed; Wahba, Jackline
2018The Impact of Brexit on International Students' Return IntentionsFalkingham, Jane; Giulietti, Corrado; Wahba, Jackline; Wang, Chuhong
2019Cooperation in a Fragmented Society: Experimental Evidence on Syrian Refugees and Natives in LebanonDrouvelis, Michalis; Malaeb, Bilal; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Wahba, Jackline
2019International Migration as Driver of Political and Social Change: Evidence from MoroccoTuccio, Michele; Wahba, Jackline; Hamdouch, Bachir
2019Cooperation in a Fragmented Society: Experimental Evidence on Syrian Refugees and Natives in LebanonDrouvelis, Michalis; Malaeb, Bilal; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Wahba, Jackline
2019Sons or Daughters? The Impact of Children's Migration on the Health and Well-Being of Parents Left BehindWahba, Jackline; Wang, Chuhong
2019The impact of Brexit on International Students’ Return IntentionsFalkingham, Jane; Giulietti, Corrado; Wahba, Jackline; Wang, Chuhong
2020Social RemittancesTuccio, Michele; Wahba, Jackline
2020Network Sorting and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Chaotic Dispersal of the Viet KieuParsons, Christopher; Reysenbach, Tyler; Wahba, Jackline
2021Return Migrants and the Wage Premium: Does the Legal Status of Migrants Matter?Elmallakh, Nelly; Wahba, Jackline
2021Ethnic Mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and a Structural ModelBoucher, Vincent; Tumen, Semih; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Wahba, Jackline; Zenou, Yves
2021Training Teachers for Diversity Awareness: Impact on School Attendance of Refugee ChildrenTumen, Semih; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Wahba, Jackline
2021Who benefits from return migration to developing countries?Wahba, Jackline
2022Return versus Onward Migration: Go Back or Move On?Bijwaard, Govert; Wahba, Jackline
2023Expecting Brexit and UK Migration: Should I Go?Di Iasio, Valentina; Wahba, Jackline
2023The Determinants of Refugees' Destinations: Where Do Refugees Locate within the EU?Di Iasio, Valentina; Wahba, Jackline