Browsing All of EconStor by Author Vance, Colin

Showing results 41 to 60 of 124
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012The Phantom Menace of Omitted Variables. A CommentVance, Colin; Ritter, Nolan
2012Heterogeneity in the Effect of Home Energy Audits – Theory and EvidenceFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2012Heterogeneity in the rebound effect: Further evidence for GermanyFrondel, Manuel; Ritter, Nolan; Vance, Colin
2012Germany's Solar Cell Promotion: An Unfolding DisasterFrondel, Manuel; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin
2012On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part ModelsFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2012She's Got a Ticket to Ride: Gender and Public Transit PassesVance, Colin; Peistrup, Matthias
2012Heterogeneity in the Correlates of Motorized and Non-Motorized Travel in Germany – The Intervening Role of GenderProcher, Vivien; Vance, Colin
2012Do Fewer People Mean Fewer Cars? – Population Decline and Car Ownership in GermanyRitter, Nolan; Vance, Colin
2012Emissions trading: Impact on electricity prices and energy-intensive industriesFrondel, Manuel; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin
2012Television and Contraceptive Use – Panel Evidence from Rural IndonesiaPeters, Jörg; Strupat, Christoph; Vance, Colin
2013Re-Identifying the Rebound: What About Asymmetry?Frondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2013Erhebung des Energieverbrauchs der privaten Haushalte für die Jahre 2009-2010: Teilbericht für das Projekt Erhebung des Energieverbrauchs der privaten Haushalte für die Jahre 2006-2010Frondel, Manuel; Andor, Mark; Ritter, Nolan; Tauchmann, Harald; Vance, Colin; Matuschek, Peter; Müller, Ute
2013Do fewer people mean fewer cars? Population decline and car ownership in GermanyRitter, Nolan; Vance, Colin
2013Asymmetry – Resurrecting the RootsFrondel, Manuel; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin
2013Fuel Taxes versus Efficiency Standards – An Instrumental Variable ApproachFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2013Who Does the Shopping? – German Time-use Evidence, 1996–2009Procher, Vivien; Vance, Colin
2013On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-part ModelsFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2013Who Does the Shopping? German time-use evidence, 1996-2009Vance, Colin; Procher, Vivien
2013Is Peace a Missing Value or a Zero?Vance, Colin; Ritter, Nolan
2013Identifying Free-Riding in Home-Renovation Programs Using Revealed Preference DataGrösche, Peter; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin