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2009Economic Impacts from the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies - The German ExperienceFrondel, Manuel; Ritter, Nolan; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin
2010The Regional Economic Effects of Military Base Realignments and Closures in GermanyPaloyo, Alfredo R.; Vance, Colin; Vorell, Matthias
2010The regional economic effects of military base realignments and closures in GermanyPaloyo, Alfredo; Vance, Colin; Vorell, Matthias
2010Die Entwicklung der Energiemärkte bis 2030: Energieprognose 2009. Hauptbericht. Untersuchung im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie, BerlinFahl, Ulrich; Blesl, Markus; Voß, Alfred; Achten, Patrick; Bruchof, David; Götz, Birgit; Hundt, Matthias; Kempe, Stephan; Kober, Tom; Kuder, Ralf; Küster, Robert; Lambauer, Jochen; Ohl, Michael; Remme, Uwe; Sun, Ninghong; Wille, Veronika; Wissel, Steffen; Ellersdorfer, Ingo; Kesicki, Fabian; Frondel, Manuel; Grösche, Peter; Peistrup, Matthias; Ritter, Nolan; Vance, Colin; Zimmermann, Tobias; Löschel, Andreas; Bühler, Georg; Hoffmann, Tim; Mennel, Tim; Wölfing, Nikolas
2010Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? – A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data EstimatorsFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2010Heterogeneity in the Rebound Effect – Further Evidence for GermanyFrondel, Manuel; Ritter, Nolan; Vance, Colin
2010Rural Electrification and Fertility – Evidence from Côte d'IvoirePeters, Jörg; Vance, Colin
2010Rarely Enjoyed? A Count Data Analysis of Transit Ridership in Germany's Public TransportFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2010Land Conversion and Market Equilibrium – Insights from a Simulated LandscapeIovanna, Richard; Vance, Colin
2010Rural Electrification and Manufacturing Firm Performance in Benin – An Ex-Ante Impact AssessmentPeters, Jörg; Vance, Colin; Harsdorff, Marek
2010Local Determinants of Crime: Do Military Bases Matter?Paloyo, Alfredo R.; Vance, Colin; Vorell, Matthias
2010Rarely Enjoyed? A Count Data Analysis of Ridership in Germany's Public TransportFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2011Erhebung des Energieverbrauchs der privaten Haushalte für die Jahre 2006 - 2008: Teilbericht für das Projekt Erhebung des Energieverbrauchs der privaten Haushalte für die Jahre 2006-2010 (Forschungsprojekt Nr. 54/09 des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie, BMWi)Frondel, Manuel; Grösche, Peter; Ritter, Nolan; Tauchmann, Harald; Vance, Colin; Matuschek, Peter; Müller, Ute
2011Future Pain at the Diesel Pump? Potential Effects of the European Commission's Energy Taxation ProposalFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2011Den Wandel gestalten: Anreize für mehr Kooperationen im Ruhrgebiet. Endbericht - Juli 2011Bauer, Thomas K.; Breidenbach, Phillip; Budde, Rüdiger; Kambeck, Rainer; Kassenböhmer, Sonja; Matz, Florian; Neumann, Uwe; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Vance, Colin; Zimmermann, Lina
2011Re-Identifying the Rebound – What About Asymmetry?Frondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2011The Diffusion of Cattle Ranching and Deforestation – Prospects for a Hollow Frontier in Mexico's YucatánBusch, Christopher B.; Vance, Colin
2011The Phantom Menace of Omitted Variables – A CommentRitter, Nolan; Vance, Colin
2012Interpreting the Outcomes of two-part modelsFrondel, Manuel; Vance, Colin
2012Heterogeneity in the Correlates of Motorized and Non-motorized Travel in Germany: The Intervening Role of GenderProcher, Vivien; Vance, Colin