Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Tröger, Tobias

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2021What are the main differences between the practice of supervising large banks in the UK and in the euro area, and what are the main risks of regulatory divergence?Haselmann, Rainer; Tröger, Tobias
2021When and how to unwind COVID-support measures to the banking system?Haselmann, Rainer; Tröger, Tobias
2021Bewertung des Vorschlags der BaFin für eine Richtlinie für nachhaltige InvestmentvermögenSteuer, Sebastian; Tröger, Tobias
2022Monitoring complex financial instruments in banks' balance sheetsBischof, Jannis; Haselmann, Rainer; Tröger, Tobias
2022Is there a "retail challenge" to banks' resolvability? What do we know about the holders of bail-inable securities in the Banking Union?Farina, Tatiana; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Mecatti, Irene; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schlegel, Jonas; Tröger, Tobias
2022Completing the banking union: Economic requirements and legal conditionsBeck, Thorsten; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Martin, Philippe J.; Mayer, Franz C.; Pisani-Ferry, Jean; Tröger, Tobias; Weder, Beatrice; Véron, Nicolas; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
2022National interests and supranational resolution in the European Banking UnionTröger, Tobias; Kotovskaia, Anastasia
2022Completing Europe's banking union: Economic requirements and legal conditionsBeck, Thorsten; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Martin, Philippe J.; Mayer, Franz C.; Pisani-Ferry, Jean; Tröger, Tobias; Weder, Beatrice; Véron, Nicolas; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
2022Institutional protection schemes: What are their differences, strengths, weaknesses, and track records?Haselmann, Rainer; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Tröger, Tobias; Wahrenburg, Mark
2023Who should hold bail-inable debt and how can regulators police holding restrictions effectively?Mecatti, Irene; Tröger, Tobias
2023The oscillating domains of public and private marketsGözlügöl, Alperen A.; Greth, Julian; Tröger, Tobias
2023European lessons from Silicon Valley Bank resolution: A plea for a comprehensive demand deposit protection scheme (CDDPS)Heider, Florian; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Pelizzon, Loriana; Schlegel, Jonas; Tröger, Tobias
2023Do "white knights" make excessive profits in bank resolution?Heider, Florian; Schlegel, Jonas; Tröger, Tobias; Wahrenburg, Mark
2023The oscillating domains of public and private marketsGözlügöl, Alperen A.; Greth, Julian; Tröger, Tobias
2023Gas and nuclear power as transition technologies: What does this mean for investmentsHaselmann, Rainer; Steuer, Sebastian; Tröger, Tobias
2024Reform of the CMDI framework: Driving off with the breaks onAsimakopoulos, Ioannis G.; Tröger, Tobias
2024Reform of the CMDI framework: Driving off with the breaks onAsimakopoulos, Ioannis G.; Tröger, Tobias
2024The geopolitical case for CMU and two different pathways toward capital market integrationHeider, Florian; Krahnen, Jan Pieter; Langenbucher, Katja; Lindner, Vincent; Schlegel, Jonas; Tröger, Tobias
2024Sustainability skills disclosure for boards: An essential prerequisite for assessing sustainability competenceDemirtaş, Gül; Strenger, Christian; Tröger, Tobias