Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Schank, Thorsten

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2000Innovations, Wages and Demand for Heterogeneous Labour: New Evidence from a Matched Employer-Employee Data-SetBellmann, Lutz; Schank, Thorsten
2002Skill-biased technological change, international trade and the wage structureKölling, Arnd; Schank, Thorsten
2002Works Councils - Sand or Grease in the Operation of German Firms?Schank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus; Wagner, Joachim
2003German works councils in the production processAddison, John T.; Schank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus; Wagner, Joachim
2003Productivity, investment in ICT and market experimentation: micro evidence from Germany und the USHaltiwanger, John; Jarmin, Ron; Schank, Thorsten
2003German Works Councils in the Production ProcessAddison, John T.; Schank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus; Wagner, Joachim
2004Practical estimation methods for linked employer-employee dataAndrews, Martyn J.; Schank, Thorsten; Upward, Richard
2004Betriebliche Determinanten des ÜberstundeneinsatzesSchank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus
2004Exporting firms do not pay higher wages, ceteris paribus : First evidence from linked employer-employee dataWagner, Joachim; Schnabel, Claus; Schank, Thorsten
2004Practical estimation methods for linked employer-employee dataAndrews, Martyn J.; Schank, Thorsten; Upward, Richard
2004Exporting Firms Do Not Pay Higher Wages, Ceteris Paribus : First Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee DataWagner, Joachim; Schnabel, Claus; Schank, Thorsten
2004Works Councils, Labor Productivity and Plant Heterogeneity : Evidence from Quantile RegressionsWagner, Joachim; Addison, John T.; Schnabel, Claus; Schank, Thorsten
2004Kehrtwende in der ArbeitszeitpolitikHeckmann, Markus; Schank, Thorsten
2004Does Worksharing Work? Some Empirical Evidence from the IAB PanelSimmons, R.; Schank, Thorsten; Andrews, Martyn J.
2005Do Works Councils Inhibit Investment?Wagner, Joachim; Schnabel, Claus; Schank, Thorsten; Addison, John T.
2005Practical estimation methods for linked employer-employee dataUpward, Richard; Schank, Thorsten; J. Andrews, Martyn
2005Do Works Councils Inhibit Investment?Addison, John T.; Schank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus; Wagner, Joachim
2005The demand for labor: an analysis using matched employer-employee data from the German LIAB ; will the high unskilled worker own-wage elasticity please stand up?Addison, John T.; Bellmann, Lutz; Schank, Thorsten; Teixeira, Paulino
2006High wage workers and low wage firms : negative assortative matching or statistical artefact?Andrews, Martyn J.; Gill, Len; Schank, Thorsten; Upward, Richard
2006Gender differences in labor supply to monopsonistic firms: an empirical analysis using linked employer-employee data from GermanyHirsch, Boris; Schank, Thorsten; Schnabel, Claus