Browsing All of EconStor by Author Potrafke, Niklas

Showing results 21 to 40 of 291
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Globalisierung und ArbeitsmarktinstitutionenPotrafke, Niklas
2013The Size and Scope of Government in the US States: Does Party Ideology Matter?Bjørnskov, Christian; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Zum Einfluss von Regierungsideologie in Geberländern auf die Verteilung von EntwicklungshilfeKurban, Danny; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Evidence on the Political Principal-Agent Problem from Voting on Public Finance for Concert HallsPotrafke, Niklas
2013Government ideology and tuition fee policy: Evidence from the German statesKauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Evidence on the political principal-agent problem fromvoting on public finance for concert hallsPotrafke, Niklas
2013Minderheitsvoten im Sachverständigenrat: Eine politisch-ökonomische AnalysePotrafke, Niklas
2013Minority Positions in the German Council of Economic Experts: A Political Economic AnalysisPotrafke, Niklas
2013Donor Ideology and Types of Foreign AidBrech, Viktor; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Paradigmenwechsel in der PolitikPotrafke, Niklas
2013The size and scope of government in the US states: Does party ideology matter?Bjørnskov, Christian; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Regierungsideologie und Studiengebühren in den deutschen BundesländernKauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
2013Government Ideology and Tuition Fee Policy: Evidence from the German StatesKauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
2014Explosive Target balances of the German BundesbankPotrafke, Niklas; Reischmann, Markus
2014The Evidence on GlobalizationPotrafke, Niklas
2014Fiscal Transfers and Fiscal SustainabilityPotrafke, Niklas; Reischmann, Markus
2014The Preoccupation of the United Nations with Israel: Evidence and TheoryBecker, Raphael N.; Hillman, Arye L.; Potrafke, Niklas; Schwemmer, Alexander H.
2014Beeinträchtigen Nebeneinkünfte die politischen Tätigkeiten von Bundestagsabgeordneten?Arnold, Felix; Kauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
2014Just hire your spouse! Evidence from a political scandal in BavariaKauder, Björn; Potrafke, Niklas
2014The UN Goldstone Report and retraction: An empirical investigationHillman, Arye L.; Potrafke, Niklas