Browsing All of EconStor by Author Oberhofer, Harald

Showing results 21 to 40 of 59
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Fractional Response Models - A Replication Exercise of Papke and Wooldridge (1996)Oberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2012Job creation and the intra-distribution dynamics of the firm size distributionHuber, Peter; Oberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2012The Wage Premium of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from European Mergers and AcquisitionsOberhofer, Harald; Stöckl, Matthias; Winner, Hannes
2012The wage premium of globalization: Evidence from European mergers and acquisitionsOberhofer, Harald; Stöckl, Matthias; Winner, Hannes
2012The Wage Premium of Globalisation: Evidence from European Mergers and AcquisitionsOberhofer, Harald; Stöckl, Matthias; Winner, Hannes
2012Who Creates Jobs? Estimating Job Creation Rates at the Firm LevelHuber, Peter; Oberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2013Democratization and real exchange ratesFurlan, Benjamin; Gächter, Martin; Krebs, Bob; Oberhofer, Harald
2013Who creates jobs? Estimating job creation rates at the firm levelHuber, Peter; Oberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2014The Occurrence of Tax Amnesties. Theory and EvidenceBayer, Ralph-C.; Oberhofer, Harald; Winner, Hannes
2014Institutional barriers and job creation in Central and Eastern EuropeCuaresma, Jesús; Oberhofer, Harald; Vincelette, Gallina A.
2014Two-Part Models for Fractional Responses Defined as Ratios of IntegersOberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2014Institutional barriers and job creation in Central and Eastern EuropeCrespo Cuaresma, Jesús; Oberhofer, Harald; Vincelette, Gallina A.
2014Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der österreichischen Exportwirtschaft: Die Rolle der KMUsOberhofer, Harald
2014A note on merger and acquisition evaluationFurlan, Benjamin; Oberhofer, Harald; Winner, Hannes
2014"When helping the small hurts the middle": Beer excise duties and market concentrationLoretz, Simon; Oberhofer, Harald
2014The occurrence of tax amnesties: Theory and evidenceBayer, Ralph-C.; Oberhofer, Harald; Winner, Hannes
2014A Note on Merger and Acquisition EvaluationFurlan, Benjamin; Oberhofer, Harald; Winner, Hannes
2014Two-part models for fractional responses defined as ratios of integersOberhofer, Harald; Pfaffermayr, Michael
2015Handelseffekte der österreichischen EU-IntegrationOberhofer, Harald; Winner, Hannes
2016Exportpotentiale für die österreichische Wirtschaft: Eine Analyse relevanter AngebotsfaktorenChristen, Elisabeth; Oberhofer, Harald