Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Newey, Whitney K.

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2017Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural parametersChernozhukov, Victor; Chetverikov, Denis; Demirer, Mert; Duflo, Esther; Hansen, Christian B.; Newey, Whitney K.; Robins, James
2017The Bunching Estimator Cannot Identify the Taxable Income ElasticityBlomquist, Sören; Newey, Whitney K.
2017Nonseparable multinomial choice models in cross-section and panel dataChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Newey, Whitney K.
2017The bunching estimator cannot identify the taxable income elasticityBlomquist, Soren; Newey, Whitney K.
2017Instrumental variables estimation for nonparametric modelsNewey, Whitney K.; Powell, James
2017Inference in linear regression models with many covariates and heteroskedasticityCattaneo, Matias D.; Jansson, Michael; Newey, Whitney K.
2017Semiparametric efficient empirical higher order influence function estimatorsMukherjee, Rajarshi; Newey, Whitney K.; Robins, James M.
2017The influence function of semiparametric estimatorsIchimura, Hidehiko; Newey, Whitney K.
2017Cross-fitting and fast remainder rates for semiparametric estimationNewey, Whitney K.; Robins, James M.
2018Double/de-biased machine learning using regularized Riesz representersChernozhukov, Victor; Newey, Whitney K.; Robins, James
2018Control variables, discrete instruments, and identification of structural functionsNewey, Whitney K.; Stouli, Sami
2018The kink and notch bunching estimators cannot identify the taxable income elasticityBlomquist, Nils Sören; Newey, Whitney K.
2018Locally robust semiparametric estimationChernozhukov, Victor; Escanciano, Juan Carlos; Ichimura, Hidehiko; Newey, Whitney K.; Robins, James
2018Heterogenous coefficients, discrete instruments, and identification of treatment effectsNewey, Whitney K.; Stouli, Sami
2019Demand analysis with many pricesChernozhukov, Victor; Hausman, Jerry A.; Newey, Whitney K.
2019On bunching and identification of the taxable income elasticityBlomquist, Nils Sören; Newey, Whitney K.; Kumar, Anil; Liang, Che-Yuan
2020Heterogeneous coefficients, control variables, and identification of treatment effectsNewey, Whitney K.; Stouli, Sami
2020Semiparametric estimation of structural functions in nonseparable triangular modelsChernozhukov, Victor; Fernández-Val, Iván; Newey, Whitney K.; Stouli, Sami; Vella, Francis
2021Omitted variable bias in machine learned causal modelsChernozhukov, Victor; Cinelli, Carlos; Newey, Whitney K.; Sharma, Amit; Syrgkanis, Vasilis
2021Adversarial estimation of Riesz representersChernozhukov, Victor; Newey, Whitney K.; Singh, Rahul; Syrgkanis, Vasilis