Browsing All of EconStor by Author Lucifora, Claudio

Showing results 21 to 40 of 50
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Mental health and working conditions in European countriesCottini, Elena; Lucifora, Claudio
2010The effect of comprehensive smoking bans in European workplacesOrigo, Federica; Lucifora, Claudio
2012Family values, social needs and preferences for welfareLucifora, Claudio; Meurs, Dominique
2012Political instability and labor market institutionsLucifora, Claudio; Moriconi, Simone
2012A "glass-ceiling" effect for immigrants in the Italian labour market?Dell'Aringa, Carlo; Lucifora, Claudio; Pagani, Laura
2012Students' cheating as a social interaction: Evidence from a randomized experiment in a national evaluation programLucifora, Claudio; Tonello, Marco
2012Performance related pay and firm productivity: New evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in ItalyLucifora, Claudio; Origo, Federica
2013Beyond the Labour Income Tax Wedge: The Unemployment-Reducing Effect of Tax ProgressivityLehmann, Etienne; Lucifora, Claudio; Moriconi, Simone; Van der Linden, Bruno
2014Beyond the Labour Income Tax Wedge: The Unemployment-Reducing Effect of Tax ProgressivityLehmann, Etienne; Lucifora, Claudio; Moriconi, Simone; Van der Linden, Bruno
2014Policy Myopia and Labour Market InstitutionsLucifora, Claudio; Moriconi, Simone
2015Earnings differentials between immigrants and natives: The role of occupational attainmentAringa, Carlo Dell; Lucifora, Claudio; Pagani, Laura
2015Performance-related pay and labor productivityLucifora, Claudio
2016What If Your Boss Is a Woman? Work Organization, Work-Life Balance and Gender Discrimination at the WorkplaceLucifora, Claudio; Vigani, Daria
2016Monitoring and sanctioning cheating at school: What works? Evidence from a national evaluation programLucifora, Claudio; Tonello, Marco
2016Is there a Retirement-Health Care utilization puzzle? Evidence from SHARE data in EuropeCaroli, Eve; Lucifora, Claudio; Vigani, Daria
2018Healthcare Utilization at Retirement: The Role of the Opportunity Cost of TimeLucifora, Claudio; Vigani, Daria
2019Vaccination take-up and health: Evidence from a flu vaccination program for the elderlyBrilli, Ylenia; Lucifora, Claudio; Russo, Antonio; Tonello, Marco
2020Children use of emergency care: Differences between natives and migrants in ItalyCottini, Elena; Lucifora, Claudio; Turati, Gilberto; Vigani, Daria
2020Vaccination Take-up and Health: Evidence from a Flu Vaccination Program for the ElderlyBrilli, Ylenia; Lucifora, Claudio; Russo, Antonio; Tonello, Marco
2020The effect of retirement on social relationships: New evidence from SHAREComi, Simona Lorena; Cottini, Elena; Lucifora, Claudio