Browsing All of EconStor by Author Falk, Armin

Showing results 41 to 60 of 168
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Lab experiments are a major source of knowledge in the social sciencesFalk, Armin; Heckman, James Joseph
2009Kontrolliert und repräsentativ: Beispiele zur Komplementarität von Labor- und FelddatenFalk, Armin; Dohmen, Thomas; Sunde, Uwe
2009Biased probability judgment: evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sampleDohmen, Thomas; Falk, Armin; Huffman, David; Marklein, Felix; Sunde, Uwe
2009Reference points and effort provisionAbeler, Johannes; Falk, Armin; Götte, Lorenz; Huffman, David
2009The Intergenerational Transmission of AttitudesDohmen, Thomas; Falk, Armin; Huffman, David; Sunde, Uwe
2009Reference points and effort provisionAbeler, Johannes; Falk, Armin; Götte, Lorenz; Huffman, David
2009Lab experiments are a major source of knowledge in the social sciencesFalk, Armin; Heckman, James Joseph
2009Are risk aversion and impatience related to cognitive ability?Dohmen, Thomas; Falk, Armin; Huffman, David; Sunde, Uwe
2009Reference points and effort provisionAbeler, Johannes; Falk, Armin; Götte, Lorenz; Huffman, David
2010Did we overestimate the role of social preferences? The case of self-selected student samplesFalk, Armin; Meier, Stephan; Zehnder, Christian
2010Implicit contracts, unemployment, and labor market segmentationAltmann, Steffen; Falk, Armin; Huffman, David
2010The IZA evaluation dataset: Towards evidence-based labor policy-makingCaliendo, Marco; Falk, Armin; Kaiser, Lutz C.; Schneider, Hilmar; Uhlendorff, Arne; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2011Preferences for consistencyFalk, Armin; Zimmermann, Florian
2011Competition and Relational Contracts: The Role of Unemployment as a Disciplinary DeviceBrown, Martin; Falk, Armin; Fehr, Ernst
2011Did we overestimate the role of social preferences? The case of self-selected student samplesFalk, Armin; Meier, Stephan; Zehnder, Christian
2011Preferences for consistencyFalk, Armin; Zimmermann, Florian
2011Performance Pay and Multidimensional Sorting - Productivity, Preferences and GenderDohmen, Thomas; Falk, Armin
2011Reference Points and Effort ProvisionAbeler, Johannes; Falk, Armin; Götte, Lorenz; Huffman, David
2011Cardiovascular Consequences of Unfair PayFalk, Armin; Menrath, Ingo; Verde, Pablo Emilio; Siegrist, Johannes
2011Cardiovascular consequences of unfair payFalk, Armin; Menrath, Ingo; Verde, Pablo Emilio; Siegrist, Johannes