Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Del Negro, Marco

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2010Fitting observed inflation expectationsDel Negro, Marco; Eusepi, Stefano
2010Tax buyoutsDel Negro, Marco; Perri, Fabrizio; Schivardi, Fabiano
2011The great escape? A quantitative evaluation of the fed's liquidity facilitiesDel Negro, Marco; Eggertsson, Gauti; Ferrero, Andrea; Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro
2012Rare shocks, great recessionsCúrdia, Vasco; Del Negro, Marco; Greenwald, Daniel L.
2012The forward guidance puzzleDel Negro, Marco; Giannoni, Marc; Patterson, Christina
2013The FRBNY DSGE ModelDel Negro, Marco; Eusepi, Stefano; Giannoni, Marc; Sbordone, Argia; Tambalotti, Andrea; Cocci, Matthew; Hasegawa, Raiden; Linder, M. Henry
2013Time-varying structural vector autoregressions and monetary policy: A corrigendumDel Negro, Marco; Primiceri, Giorgio
2013Inflation in the great recession and new keynesian modelsDel Negro, Marco; Giannoni, Marc P.; Schorfheide, Frank
2014When does a central ban's balance sheet require fiscal support?Del Negro, Marco; Sims, Christopher A.
2014Dynamic prediction pools: An investigation of financial frictions and forecasting performanceDel Negro, Marco; Hasegawa, Raiden B.; Schorfheide, Frank
2017Safety, liquidity, and the natural rate of interestDel Negro, Marco; Giannone, Domenico; Giannoni, Marc P.; Tambalotti, Andrea
2018Fiscal implications of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet normalizationCavallo, Michele; Del Negro, Marco; Frame, W. Scott; Grasing, Jamie; Malin, Benjamin A.; Rosa, Carlo
2018DSGE forecasts of the lost recoveryCai, Michael; Del Negro, Marco; Giannoni, Marc P.; Gupta, Abhi; Li, Pearl; Moszkowski, Erica
2018Global trends in interest ratesDel Negro, Marco; Giannone, Domenico; Giannoni, Marc Paolo; Tambalotti, Andrea
2018Fiscal implications of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet normalizationCavallo, Michele; Del Negro, Marco; Frame, W. Scott; Grasing, Jamie; Malin, Benjamin A.; Rosa, Carlo
2019Online estimation of DSGE modelsCai, Michael; Del Negro, Marco; Herbst, Edward P.; Matlin, Ethan; Sarfati, Reca; Schorfheide, Frank
2020What's up with the Phillips curve?Del Negro, Marco; Lenza, Michele; Primiceri, Giorgio E.; Tambalotti, Andrea
2020The financial (in)stability real interest rate, r**Akinci, Ozge; Benigno, Gianluca; Del Negro, Marco; Queralto, Albert
2022A Bayesian approach for inference on probabilistic surveysDel Negro, Marco; Casarin, Roberto; Bassetti, Federico
2023Estimating HANK for central banksAcharya, Sushant; Chen, William; Del Negro, Marco; Dogra, Keshav; Gleich, Aidan; Goyal, Shlok; Matlin, Ethan; Lee, Donggyu; Sarfati, Reca; Sengupta, Sikata