Browsing All of EconStor by Author Carneiro, Pedro

Showing results 21 to 40 of 87
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010A flying start? Long term consequences of maternal time investments in children during their first year of lifeCarneiro, Pedro; Loken, Katrine V.; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2010Trends in quality-adjusted skill premia in the United States, 1960-2000Carneiro, Pedro; Lee, Sokbae
2010Estimating marginal returns to educationCarneiro, Pedro; Heckman, James; Vytlacil, Edward
2010Maternal education, home environments and the development of children and adolescentsCarneiro, Pedro; Meghir, Costas; Parey, Matthias
2010Estimating marginal returns to educationCarneiro, Pedro; Heckman, James J.; Vytlacil, Edward
2010A flying start? Long term consequences of maternal time investments in children during their first year of lifeCarneiro, Pedro; Loken, Katrine V.; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2011Enforcement of labor regulation and informalityAlmeida, Rita; Carneiro, Pedro
2011Average and marginal returns to upper secondary schooling in IndonesiaCarneiro, Pedro; Lokshin, Michael; Ridao-Cano, Cristobal; Umapathi, Nithin
2011Enforcement of labor regulation and informalityAlmeida, Rita K.; Carneiro, Pedro
2011Behavioral Response to an Anti Malaria Spraying Campaign, with Evidence from EritreaLocatelli, Andrea; Carneiro, Pedro; Gebremeskel, Tewolde; Keating, Joseph
2011Average and marginal returns to upper secondary schooling in IndonesiaCarneiro, Pedro; Lokshin, Michael; Ridao-Cano, Cristobal; Umapathi, Nithin
2011A flying start? Maternity leave benefits and long run outcomes of childrenCarneiro, Pedro; Loken, Katrine V.; Salvanes, Kjell G.
2012Partial insurance and investments in childrenCarneiro, Pedro; Ginja, Rita
2012Long term impacts of compensatory preschool on health and behavior: Evidence from head startCarneiro, Pedro; Ginja, Rita
2012Inspeção do trabalho e evolução do emprego formal no BrasilCorseuil, Carlos Henrique L.; Almeida, Rita; Carneiro, Pedro
2012Long term impacts of compensatory preschool on health and behavior: Evidence from head startCarneiro, Pedro; Ginja, Rita
2012Do public health interventions crowd out private health investments? Malaria control policies in EritreaCarneiro, Pedro; Locatelli, Andrea; Ghebremeskel, Tewolde; Keating, Joseph
2012Long term impacts of compensatory preschool on health and behavior: Evidence from head startCarneiro, Pedro; Ginja, Rita
2012Do public health interventions crowd out private health investments? Malaria control policies in EritreaCarneiro, Pedro; Locatelli, Andrea; Ghebremeskel, Tewolde; Keating, Joseph
2014Tackling social exclusion: Evidence from ChileCarneiro, Pedro; Galasso, Emanuela; Ginja, Rita