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2009Picking the winner? Empirical evidence on the targeting of R&D subsidies to start-upsCantner, Uwe; Kösters, Sarah
2009Networks and innovation: the role of social assets in explaining firms' innovative capacityCantner, Uwe; Conti, Elisa; Meder, Andreas
2009Technological diversity and future product diversity in the drug industryCantner, Uwe; Plotnikova, Tatiana
2009The effects of knowledge management on innovative success: an empirical analysis of German firmsCantner, Uwe; Joel, Kristin; Schmidt, Tobias
2009Regional effects on cooperative innovation activities and the related variety of regional knowledge basesCantner, Uwe; Meder, Andreas
2009The effects of knowledge management on innovative success: an empirical analysis of German firmsCantner, Uwe; Joel, Kristin; Schmidt, Tobias
2009Approaching the agora: Determinants of scientists' intentions to purse academic entrepreneurshipGoethner, Maximilian; Obschonka, Martin; Silbereisen, Rainer K.; Cantner, Uwe
2010Disentangling the effects of new venture team functional heterogeneity on new venture performanceCantner, Uwe; Goethner, Maximilian; Stuetzer, Michael
2010The use and effect of social capital in new venture creation: Solo entrepreneurs vs. new venture teamsCantner, Uwe; Stützer, Michael
2010Product quality, product price, and share dynamics in the German compact car marketCantner, Uwe; Krüger, Jens J.; Söllner, René
2010Innovative Companies' Survival and The Region - Isn't it just being there?Wolf, Tina; Cantner, Uwe
2010The regional dimension of sectoral innovativeness: An empirical investigation of two specialised supplier and two science-based industriesBürger, Matthias; Cantner, Uwe
2011International research networks in pharmaceuticals: Structure and dynamicsCantner, Uwe; Rake, Bastian
2012A new view of general purpose technologiesCantner, Uwe; Vannuccini, Simone
2012Innovation and market dynamics: A two-mode network approach to user-producer relationCantner, Uwe; Guerzoni, Marco; Martinelli, Arianna
2013Policy induced innovation networks: The case of the German Leading-Edge Cluster competitionCantner, Uwe; Graf, Holger; Hinzmann, Susanne
2014Do firms benefit from complementarity effect in R&D and what drives their R&D strategy choices?Cantner, Uwe; Savin, Ivan
2014Begleitende Evaluierung des Förderinstruments "Spitzencluster-Wettbewerb" des BMBF. AbschlussberichtDehio, Jochen; Engel, Dirk; Rothgang, Michael; Fertig, Michael; Scholz, Anne-Marie; Linshalm, Enikö; Ploder, Michael; Cantner, Uwe; Graf, Holger; Hinzmann, Susanne; Töpfer, Stefan
2014Works councils, training activities and innovation: A study of German firmsCantner, Uwe; Gerstlberger, Wolfgang; Roy, Ipsita
2014Begleitende Evaluierung des Förderinstruments "Spitzencluster-Wettbewerb" des BMBF. Abschlussbericht - KurzfassungRothgang, Michael; Cantner, Uwe; Dehio, Jochen; Engel, Dirk; Fertig, Michael; Graf, Holger; Hinzmann, Susanne; Linshalm, Enikö; Ploder, Michael; Scholz, Anne-Marie; Töpfer, Stefan