Browsing All of EconStor by Author Bode, Sven

Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001Avoiding perverse effects of baseline and investment additionality determination in the case of renewable energy projectsBode, Sven; Michaelowa, Axel
2001Making GHG emissions trading work – Crucial issues in designing national and international emmissions trading systemsButzengeiger, Sonja; Betz, Regina; Bode, Sven
2003Europe - a Pioneer in greenhouse gas emissions trading: History of rule development and major design elementsButzengeiger, Sonja; Michaelowa, Axel; Bode, Sven
2003Abatement Costs vs. Compliance Costs in Multi-Period Emissions Trading - The Firms' PerspectiveBode, Sven
2003Implications of Linking National Emission Trading Schemes prior to the Start of the First Commitment Period of the Kyoto ProtocolBode, Sven
2003Equal emissions per capita over time: A proposal to combine responsibility and equity of rightsBode, Sven
2004On the Integration of Carbon Capture and Storage into the International Climate RegimeBode, Sven; Jung, Martina
2004European Climate Policy: Burden Sharing after 2012Bode, Sven
2004Multi-Period Emissions Trading in the Electricity Sector: Winners and LosersBode, Sven
2005Discrimination against Newcomers: Impacts of the German Emission Trading Regime on the Electricity SectorBode, Sven; Hübl, Lothar; Schaffner, Joey; Twelemann, Sven
2005Ökologische und wettbewerbliche Wirkungen der Übertragungs- und der Kompensationsregel des Zuteilungsgesetzes 2007 auf die StromerzeugungBode, Sven; Hübl, Lothar; Schaffner, Joey; Twelemann, Sven
2005Berechtigte Strompreiserhöhungen? EmissionszertifikateBode, Sven
2005Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS): liability for non-permanence under the UNFCCCBode, Sven; Jung, Martina
2005CO2-Abscheidung und Ablagerung (CAA): Ordnungsrechtliche Aspekte und ökonomische Implikationen im Rahmen des EU-EmissionshandelsDietrich, Lars; Bode, Sven
2006Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz und die IndustriestrompreiseBode, Sven; Groscurth, Helmuth-Michael
2006Montreal - ein Teilerfolg: KlimakonferenzBode, Sven
2006CO2-Ablagerung und Wettbewerb im EU-EmissionshandelssystemBode, Sven
2006On the impact of renewable energy support schemes on power pricesBode, Sven
2006On multi-period emissions trading in the electricity sectorBode, Sven
2006The Effect of the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) on "the Electricity Price"Bode, Sven; Groscurth, Helmuth-Michael