Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Fabella, Raul V.

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2019Power industry disruptors and prospects of the electricity demand in the greater Metro-Manila areaFabella, Raul V.; Ducanes, Geoffrey
2018Federalism and inclusion in developing economiesFabella, Raul V.; Daway-Ducanes, Sarah Lynne
2017Quality of growth and poverty incidence in low income countries: The role of manufacturingDaway, Sarah Lynne S.; Ducanes, Geoffrey M.; Fabella, Raul V.
2017Competition, regulation and institutional qualityFabella, Raul V.
2016Why fixed rent contracts are less prevalent: Weak third party enforcement and endogenous principal typeFabella, Raul V.
2016Conglopolistic competition in small emerging economies: When large and diversified is beautifulFabella, Raul V.
2016Groups, norms and endogenous membershipFabella, Raul V.
2016Behavioral polymorphism in Bayesian gamesFabella, Raul V.
2015Differential delivery dates, retrievability and the incentives compatibility of contractsFabella, Raul V.
2015N-poly viability and conglopolistic competition in small emerging marketFabella, Raul V.
2015Helping cost, assortative matching and production cycles in the dynamic humean farmer gameFabella, Raul V.
2015Re-thinking market failure in the light of the imperfect stateFabella, Raul V.; Fabella, Vigile Marie
2014Beyond the remittances-driven economy: Notes as if the long run matteredMedalla, Felipe M.; Fabella, Raul V.; de Dios, Emmanuel S.
2014The Picketty inequality in the Nash-Bargained social contractFabella, Raul V.
2014Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP): Time to let goFabella, Raul V.
2013Moral hazard and cooperation in competing teamsFabella, Raul V.
2013Incentives Matter: Reflections on the Role of Incentives in Scientific ProductivityFabella, Raul V.
2013Salience and cooperation among rational egoistsFabella, Raul V.
2012Signaling and contract cost under weak governance: Water service privatization in Metro-Manila, PhilippinesFabella, Raul V.
2012Wipeout: Sangley mercantile dominance and persistence in the Spanish colonial period in the PhilippinesFabella, Raul V.