Browsing All of EconStor by Author Ehrmann, Michael

Showing results 41 to 60 of 79
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011Global crises and equity market contagionBekaert, Geert; Ehrmann, Michael; Fratzscher, Marcel; Mehl, Arnaud
2012The pitch rather than the pit: investor inattention during FIFA world cup matchesEhrmann, Michael; Jansen, David-Jan
2012Explaining EU citizens' trust in the ECB in normal and crisis timesEhrmann, Michael; Soudan, Michel; Stracca, Livio
2012Explaining EU citizens’ trust in the ECB in normal and crisis timesEhrmann, Michael; Soudan, Michel; Stracca, Livio
2013The euro exchange rate during the European sovereign debt crisis - dancing to its own tune?Ehrmann, Michael; Osbat, Chiara; Stráský, Jan; Uusküla, Lenno
2013The pricing of G7 sovereign bond spreads: the times, they are a-changinD'Agostino, Antonello; Ehrmann, Michael
2014It hurts (stock prices) when your team is about to lose a soccer matchEhrmann, Michael; Jansen, David-Jan
2014Household risk management and actual mortgage choice in the euro areaEhrmann, Michael; Ziegelmeyer, Michael
2014Targeting Inflation from Below - How Do Inflation Expectations Behave?Ehrmann, Michael
2014Macroeconomic experiences and risk taking of euro area householdsAmpudia, Miguel; Ehrmann, Michael
2014Macroeconomic experiences and risk taking of euro area householdsAmpudia, Miguel; Ehrmann, Michael
2014Household risk management and actual mortgage choice in the euro areaEhrmann, Michael; Ziegelmeyer, Michael
2014Consumer attitudes and the epidemiology of inflation expectationsEhrmann, Michael; Pfajfar, Damjan; Santoro, Emiliano
2014The global crisis and equity market contagionBekaert, Geert; Ehrmann, Michael; Fratzscher, Marcel; Mehl, Arnaud
2015Euro area government bonds: Integration and fragmentation during the sovereign debt crisisEhrmann, Michael; Fratzscher, Marcel
2015Exploring Differences in Household Debt Across Euro Area Countries and the United StatesChristelis, Dimitris; Ehrmann, Michael; Georgarakos, Dimitris
2015Euro Area Government Bonds—Integration and Fragmentation During the Sovereign Debt CrisisEhrmann, Michael; Fratzscher, Marcel
2016Financial inclusion: What's it worth?Ampudia, Miguel; Ehrmann, Michael
2016Starting from a blank page? Semantic similarity in central bank communication and market volatilityEhrmann, Michael; Talmi, Jonathan
2017Necessity as the mother of invention: Monetary policy after the crisisBlinder, Alan; Ehrmann, Michael; de Haan, Jakob; Jansen, David-Jan