Browsing All of EconStor by Author Klose, Jens

Showing results 21 to 40 of 43
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018Are Eastern European taylor reaction functions asymmetric in inflation or output: Empirical evidence for four countriesKlose, Jens
2018Equilibrium real interest rates, secular stagnation, and the financial cycle: Empirical evidence for euro-area member countriesBelke, Ansgar; Klose, Jens
2018Equilibrium real interest rates for the BRICS countriesKlose, Jens
2018Forecasting exchange rates with commodity prices: A global country analysisBaumgärtner, Martin; Klose, Jens
2018Equilibrium Real Interest Rates, Secular Stagnation, and the Financial Cycle: Empirical Evidence for Euro-Area Member CountriesBelke, Ansgar; Klose, Jens
2019Forecasting ECB policy rates with different monetary policy rulesBelke, Ansgar; Klose, Jens
2019Measuring Redenomination Risks in the Euro Area - New Evidence from Survey DataKlose, Jens
2019Safe haven flows, natural interest rates and secular stagnation: Empirical evidence for euro area countriesBelke, Ansgar; Klose, Jens
2019Cash is king - effects of ECB's conventional and unconventional measuresBaumgärtner, Martin; Klose, Jens
2019Measuring redenomination risks in the Euro area: New evidence from survey dataKlose, Jens
2019Forecasting ECB policy rates with different monetary policy rulesBelke, Ansgar; Klose, Jens
2020Negativzinsen, Überschussreserven und Tiering der EZB: Wie stark sind die Banken belastet?Klose, Jens
2020COVID-19 and Financial Markets: A Panel Analysis for European CountriesKlose, Jens; Tillmann, Peter
2021Why central banks announcing liquidity injections is more effective than forward guidanceBaumgärtner, Martin; Klose, Jens
2021Cryptocurrencies and gold - Similarities and differencesKlose, Jens
2021Daily monetary policy rules and the ECB's medium-term orientationKlose, Jens
2022Stock market response to COVID-19, containment measures and stabilization policies: The case of EuropeKlose, Jens; Tillmann, Peter
2022European exchange rate adjustments in response to Covid-19, containment measures and stabilization policiesKlose, Jens
2022The Real and Financial Impact of COVID-19 Around the WorldKlose, Jens; Tillmann, Peter
2022The real and financial impact of COVID-19 around the worldKlose, Jens; Tillmann, Peter