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1981Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral TradingMyerson, Roger B.; Satterthwaite, Mark A.
1981Efficient and Durable Decision Rules with Incomplete InformationHolmstrom, Bengt; Myerson, Roger B.
1982Cooperative Games with Incomplete InformationMyerson, Roger B.
1982Two-Person Bargaining Problems with Incomplete InfonnationMyerson, Roger B.
1983Analysis of Two Bargaining Problems with Incomplete InformationMyerson, Roger B.
1983Bayesian Equilibrium and Incentive-Compatibility: An IntroductionMyerson, Roger B.
1984Multistage Games with CommunicationMyerson, Roger B.
1984An Introduction to Game TheoryMyerson, Roger B.
1984Acceptable and Predominant Correlated EquilibriaMyerson, Roger B.
1985Negotiation in Games: A Theoretical OverviewMyerson, Roger B.
1986Axiomatic Foundations of Bayesian Decision TheoryMyerson, Roger B.
1986Credible Negotiation Statements and Coherent PlansMyerson, Roger B.
1987Dynamic Matching Problems With Incentive ConstraintsMyerson, Roger B.
1988Sustainable Matching Plans with Adverse SelectionMyerson, Roger B.
1988A Theory of Voting EquilibriaMyerson, Roger B.; Weber, Robert J.
1988Mechanism DesignMyerson, Roger B.
1990Viscous Population EquilibriaMyerson, Roger B.
1990Fictitious-Transfers in Cooperative Game TheoryMyerson, Roger B.
1991Effectiveness of Electoral Systems for Reducing Government Corruption: A Game-Theoretic AnalysisMyerson, Roger B.
1991Proportional RepresentationMyerson, Roger B.