Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Docquier, Frédéric

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2009On the robustness of brain gain estimatesBeine, Michel; Docquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel
2009DiasporasBeine, Michel; Docquier, Frédéric; Özden, Çağlar
2009Brain drain in globalization: a general equilibrium analysis from the sending countries' perspectiveMarchiori, Luca; Shen, I-ling; Docquier, Frédéric
2009Documenting the brain drain of "la crème de la crème": Three case-studies on international migration at the upper tail of the education distributionDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel
2010Diaspora Effects in International Migration: Key Questions and Methodological IssuesBeine, Michel; Docquier, Frédéric; Özden, Çağlar
2011Globalization, brain drain and developmentDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel
2011Emigration and democracyDocquier, Frédéric; Lodigiani, Elisabetta; Rapoport, Hillel; Schiff, Maurice
2011Emigration and democracyDocquier, Frédéric; Lodigiani, Elisabetta; Rapoport, Hillel; Schiff, Maurice
2011Dissecting network externalities in international migrationBeine, Michel; Docquier, Frédéric; Özden, Çağlar
2011Globalization, brain drain and developmentDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel
2011The labor market effects of immigration and emigration in OECD countriesDocquier, Frédéric; Ozden, Caglar; Peri, Giovanni
2011Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy: Theory and evidence from bilateral dataDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara
2011Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy: Theory and evidence from bilateral dataDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara
2011Remittances, Migrants' Education and Immigration Policy: Theory and Evidence from Bilateral DataDocquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel; Salomone, Sara
2014The brain drain from developing countriesDocquier, Frédéric
2014International Migration and the Propagation of HIV in Sub- Saharan AfricaDocquier, Frédéric; Vasilakis, Chrysovalantis; Munsi, D. Tamfutu
2014Emigration and democracyDocquier, Frédéric; Lodigiani, Elisabetta; Schiff, Maurice
2014The Dynamic Implications of Liberalizing Global MigrationDelogu, Marco; Docquier, Frédéric; Machado, Joël
2014Informality and long-run growthDocquier, Frédéric; Müller, Tobias; Naval, Joaquín
2014Global competition for attracting talents and the world economyDocquier, Frédéric; Machado, Joël