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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in der Logistik

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in.

ild Schriftenreihe Logistikforschung No. 4
MA Akademie Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH, Essen
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
Paper No 4 in the KCL series on logistics research presents the upcoming RFID technology with all the specific methods and attached advantages as well as disadvantages. For most companies sooner or later RFID will be a topic in adjusting logistics processes and equipment - be it due to supplier or customer suggestion or simply in order to increase internal efficiency. As more and more logistics service providers, industry and especially commerce corporations move towards this technology nearly all logistics managers will need this basic knowledge about RFID systems for their daily work. Serving this purpose this paper provides basic information and especially further sources of information about the topic.
Research Report

Dokument gelöscht auf Wunsch der Autor:in bzw. der Herausgeber:in am: 5. August 2021

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