Discussion Papers, Abteilung Global Governance, WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 44
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Mechanisms, process and the study of international institutionsCheckel, Jeffrey T.
2014Governing global risks: The evolution of policy capacity in the financial sectorPauly, Louis W.
2014The political sociology of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism: Representative claims analysisde Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Zürn, Michael
2012The politicisation of European Treaty Reform: Public justification and party polarisation in the German Bundestag and UK House of Commons debates over revision of the EU treatiesWendler, Frank
2010Transnational attention, domestic agenda-setting and international agreement: Modeling necessary and sufficient conditions for media-driven humanitarian interventionsJunk, Julian; Blatter, Joachim
2010Internationale Organisationen und der Schutz fundamentaler Rechte von Individuen: Skizze eines ForschungsprojektsHeupel, Monika; Zürn, Michael
2010Problem perception and public expectations in international institutions: Evidence from a German representative surveyEcker-Ehrhardt, Matthias
2009Symbolic knowledge at work: Comitology and learning from experts in European technology policyBöhling, Kathrin
2008Klimaschutzpolitik: Warum ist Deutschland ein Vorreiter im internationalen Vergleich? Zur Rolle von Handlungskapazitäten und PfadabhängigkeitWeidner, Helmut
2008The politicization of international security institutions: The UN security council and NGOsBinder, Martin
2008The institutional design of international double taxation avoidanceRixen, Thomas
2008Global social and civil entrepreneurs: An answer to the poor performance of global governanceStein, Tine
2008WHO says competition is healthy: How civil society can change IGOsViola, Lora Anne
2008Politicization and institutional (non-) change in international taxationRixen, Thomas
2008Normative power and EU arms transfer policy: A theoretical critique and empirical testErickson, Jennifer L.
2007Tensions in liberalism: The troubled path to liberal world orderSørensen, Georg
2007Ein Trend zu transnationaler Solidarität? Die Entwicklung des Spendenaufkommens in der Not- und EntwicklungshilfeRadtke, Katrin
2007Weltgesellschaft und Modernisierung: Eine Skizze der Dynamik des Formwandels des Systems internationaler BeziehungenFuchs, Susanne
2007Making normative meaning accountable in international politicsWiener, Antje
2007Neue Autoritäten? Ein kommunikationstheoretischer Blick auf die Deutungsmacht inter- und transnationaler Akteure in der DarfurkriseEcker-Ehrhardt, Matthias
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 44
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