Working Papers, Institut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Universität Osnabrück

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Not-so-innocent bystanders: Trade with neighbors of sanctioned countriesSuprunenko, Daria
2023Investment incentives of rent controls and gentrification: Evidence from German micro dataBaye, Vera; Dinger, Valeriya
2021On optimal currency areas and common cycles: Are the acceding countries ready to join the euro?Grimm, Louisa; Steinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2021Development aid and illicit capital flight: Evidence from NepalSteinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2020The evolution of offshore renminbi trading: 2016 to 2019Cheung, Yin-Wong; Grimm, Louisa; Westermann, Frank
2020What drives trust of long-term unemployed in their caseworkers? An empirical analysis using experimental dataWilde, Joachim
2020Towards a new architecture for the euro area: An early appraisal of the Juncker CommissionBierbrauer, Christoph
2019Capital flight to Germany: Two alternative measuresCheung, Yin-Wong; Steinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2019A Jackknife Model Averaging analysis of RMB misalignment estimatesCheung, Yin-Wong; Wang, Wenhao
2019A tale of two surplus countries: China and GermanyCheung, Yin-Wong; Steinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2018Systemic effects of bank equity issues: Competition, stabilization and contagionDinger, Valeriya; Marincas, Vlad; Vallascas, Francesco
2018Evergreening in the Euro Area: Facts and explanationSteinkamp, Sven; Tornell, Aaron; Westermann, Frank
2018Systemic crisis and growth revisited: Has the global financial crisis marked a new era?Steinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2017National fiscal stimulus packages and consolidation strategies in a monetary unionBierbrauer, Christoph
2017The size of fiscal multipliers and the stance of monetary policy in developing economiesOjeda-Joya, Jair N.; Guzman, Oscar E.
2017Exit strategies, capital flight and speculative attacks: Europe's version of the trilemmaSteiner, Andreas; Steinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
2017Fiscal policy transmission in a non-Ricardian model of a monetary unionBierbrauer, Christoph
2017The Euro Area's common pool problem revisited: Has the Single Supervisory Mechanism ameliorated forbearance and evergreening?Steinkamp, Sven; Tornell, Aaron; Westermann, Frank
2016A basic model of real-financial market interactions with heterogeneous opinion dynamicsHartmann, Florian; Charpe, Matthieu; Flaschel, Peter; Veneziani, Roberto
2016Multilateral loans and interest rates: Further evidence on the seniority conundrumSteinkamp, Sven; Westermann, Frank
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51