KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 471
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Seeing and hearing is believing: The role of audiovisual communication in shaping inflation expectationsAsh, Elliott; Mikosch, Heiner; Perakis, Alexis; Sarferaz, Samad
2024Sectorgap: An R package for consistent economic trend cycle decompositionStreicher, Sina
2024Money creation in a neoclassical economy: Equilibrium multiplicity and the liquidity trapAltermatt, Lukas; van Buggenum, Hugo; Voellmy, Lukas
2024Targeted transformations for macroeconomic forecastingDaniele, Maurizio; Kronenberg, Philipp; Reinicke, Tim
2024A high-frequency GDP indicator for SwitzerlandKronenberg, Philipp
2024Liquid equity and boom-bust dynamicsvan Buggenum, Hugo
2023Deriving technology indicators from corporate websites: A comparative assessment using patentsHeinrich, Sebastian
2023The labor market effects of restricting refugees' employment opportunitiesAhrens, Achim; Beerli, Andreas; Hangartner, Dominik; Kurer, Selina; Siegenthaler, Michael
2023Global technology cycles and local economic performanceHeinrich, Sebastian; Sarferaz, Samad; Wörter, Martin
2023Improving output gap estimation: A bottom-up approachRathke, Alexander; Streicher, Sina
2022Does India use development finance to compete with China? A subnational analysisAsmus, Gerda; Eichenauer, Vera; Fuchs, Andreas; Parks, Bradley
2022Price setting before and during the pandemic: Evidence from Swiss consumer pricesRudolf, Barbara; Seiler, Pascal
2022What do firm managers tell us about the transmission channels of oil price shocks?Drechsel, Dirk; Mikosch, Heiner; Sarferaz, Samad; Bannert, Matthias
2022Tracking and taxing the super-rich: Insights from Swiss rich listsBaselgia, Enea; Martínez, Isabel Z.
2022RGAP: output gap estimation in RStreicher, Sina
2022Imputing monthly values for quarterly time series: An application performed with Swiss business cycle dataAbberger, Klaus; Graff, Michael; Müller, Oliver; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2022Are recruiters reluctant to hire parttime working men? Evidence from online labor market dataKopp, Daniel
2022Power shifts, emigration, and population sortingAklin, Michaël; Eichenauer, Vera
2022Adoption and diffusion of digital technologies: A firm-level analysisHollenstein, Heinz
2022Dynamic Factor Trees and Forests: A theory-led machine learning framework for non-linear and state-dependent short-term U.S. GDP growth predictionsEhmann, Daniel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 471