Browsing All of EconStor by Author Di Tommaso, Maria Laura

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Who's watching? The market for prostitution servicesDella Giusta, Marina; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Strøm, Steinar
2012Do medical doctors respond to economic incentives?Andreassen, Leif; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Strøm, Steinar
2014Wages anatomy: Labor supply of nurses and a comparison with physiciansAndreassen, Leif; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Strøm, Steinar
2016The Increase of the Gender Wage Gap in Italy during the 2008-2012 Economic CrisisPiazzalunga, Daniela; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura
2016The Gender Gap in Mathematics Achievement: Evidence from Italian DataDi Tommaso, Maria Laura; Mendolia, Silvia; Contini, Dalit
2018The Gender Gap in Attitudes and Test Scores: A New Construct of the Mathematical CapabilityDi Tommaso, Maria Laura; Maccagnan, Anna; Mendolia, Silvia
2019Quashing Demand Criminalizing Clients? Evidence from the UKDella Giusta, Marina; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Jewell, Sarah; Bettio, Francesca
2021The COVID-19 Pandemic and School Closure: Learning Loss in Mathematics in Primary EducationContini, Dalit; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Muratori, Caterina; Piazzalunga, Daniela; Schiavon, Lucia
2021Tackling the Gender Gap in Mathematics with Active Learning MethodologiesDi Tommaso, Maria Laura; Contini, Dalit; De Rosa, Dalila; Ferrara, Francesca; Piazzalunga, Daniela; Robutti, Ornella
2023A Lost Generation? Impact of COVID-19 on High School Students' AchievementsContini, Dalit; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Muratori, Caterina; Piazzalunga, Daniela; Schiavon, Lucia
2023Gender Differences in High School Choices: Do Math and Language Skills Play a Role?Contini, Dalit; Di Tommaso, Maria Laura; Maccagnan, Anna; Mendolia, Silvia