Browsing All of EconStor by Author Grohmann, Antonia

Showing results 1 to 20 of 45
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Financial literacy and its consequences in the emerging middleclassGrohmann, Antonia; Kouwenberg, Roy; Menkhoff, Lukas
2014Financial literacy and financial behavior: Do women lag behind?Menkhoff, Lukas; Grohmann, Antonia; Hübler, Olaf; Kouwenberg, Roy
2014Roots of Financial LiteracyGrohmann, Antonia; Kouwenberg, Roy; Menkhoff, Lukas
2015"Viele Menschen kennen sich auch mit einfachen finanziellen Konzepten zu wenig aus": Sieben Fragen an Antonia GrohmannGrohmann, Antonia; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Childhood roots of financial literacyGrohmann, Antonia; Kouwenberg, Roy; Menkhoff, Lukas
2015Schule, Eltern und finanzielle Bildung bestimmen das FinanzverhaltenGrohmann, Antonia; Menkhoff, Lukas
2015"Many people have inadequate understanding of basic financial concepts": Seven questions to Antonia GrohmannGrohmann, Antonia; Wittenberg, Erich
2015School, parents, and financial literacy shape future financial behaviorGrohmann, Antonia; Menkhoff, Lukas
2016Gender Gap in der finanziellen Bildung: Einkommen, Bildung und Erfahrung erklären ihn nur zum TeilGrohmann, Antonia
2016"In den meisten Ländern wissen Frauen im Durchschnitt weniger als Männer über Finanzen": Interview mit Antonia GrohmannGrohmann, Antonia; Wittenberg, Erich
2016The gender gap in financial literacy: Income, education, and experience offer only partial explanationsGrohmann, Antonia
2016The Effect of Peer Observation on Consumption Choices: Experimental EvidenceGrohmann, Antonia; Sakha, Sahra
2016"On average, women know less about financial matters than men do in most countries": Seven questions for Antonia GrohmannGrohmann, Antonia; Wittenberg, Erich
2016Financial literacy: Thai middle class women do not lag behindGrohmann, Antonia; Hübler, Olaf; Kouwenberg, Roy; Menkhoff, Lukas
2016The effect of peer observation on consumption choices: experimental evidenceSakha, Sahra; Grohmann, Antonia
2016"Institutionen und Finanzielles Fehlverhalten", Workshop zum Thema Finance and Development 2016Grohmann, Antonia
2017Finanzbildung fördert finanzielle Inklusion in armen und reichen LändernGrohmann, Antonia; Menkhoff, Lukas
2017Does financial literacy improve financial inclusion? Cross country evidenceGrohmann, Antonia; Klühs, Theres; Menkhoff, Lukas
2017Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country EvidenceKlühs, Theres; Grohmann, Antonia; Menkhoff, Lukas
2017Financial literacy and financial behavior: Evidence from the emerging Asian middle classGrohmann, Antonia