Browsing All of EconStor by Author Graff, Michael

Showing results 21 to 40 of 42
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Legal origin and financial development: new evidence for old claims?the creditor rights index revisitedGraff, Michael
2009Diskretionäre Fiskalpolitik: Pro und KontraFrick, Andres; Graff, Michael; Hartwig, Jochen; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2010Discretionary fiscal policy: The case of SwitzerlandFrick, Andres; Graff, Michael; Hartwig, Jochen; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2010Die Lohnentwicklung in der Schweiz in langfristiger PerspektiveAeppli, Roland; Graff, Michael
2010The information content of capacity utilisation rates for output gap estimatesGraff, Michael; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2010The information content of capacity utilisation rates for output gap estimatesGraff, Michael; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2011A composite leading indicator for the Peruvian economy: Based on business tendency surveys conducted by the Banco Central de Reserva del PerúEtter, Richard; Graff, Michael
2011Inflation Inequality in EuropeColavecchio, Roberta; Fritsche, Ulrich; Graff, Michael
2011International business cycles: How do they relate to Switzerland?Graff, Michael
2012A real time evaluation of employment forecasts in SwitzerlandGraff, Michael; Mannino, Massimo; Siegenthaler, Michael
2014The KOF Economic Barometer, version 2014: A composite leading indicator for the Swiss business cycleAbberger, Klaus; Graff, Michael; Siliverstovs, Boriss; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2014The Swiss "job miracle"Siegenthaler, Michael; Graff, Michael; Mannino, Massimo
2015Der bilaterale Weg - eine ökonomische Bestandsaufnahme. Aktualisierung der Studie "Auswirkung der bilateralen Abkommen auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft"Abberger, Klaus; Abrahamsen, Yngve; Bolli, Thomas; Dibiasi, Andreas; Egger, Peter; Frick, Andres; Graff, Michael; Hälg, Florian; Iselin, David; Sarferaz, Samad; Schläpfer, Jörg; Siegenthaler, Michael; Simmons-Süer, Banu; Sturm, Jan-Egbert; Tarlea, Filip
2020Konjunkturprognose, Mai 2020: Covid-19-Pandemie löst tiefe Rezession in der Schweiz ausAbberger, Klaus; Abrahamsen, Yngve; Funk, Anne Kathrin; Graff, Michael; Haelg, Florian; Kohler, Franziska; Mühlebach, Nina; Rathke, Alexander; Siegenthaler, Michael; Streicher, Sina; Stücker, Anne; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2020The Global Economic Barometers: Composite indicators for the world economyAbberger, Klaus; Graff, Michael; Campelo, Aloisio; Lemos Gouveia, Anna Carolina; Müller, Oliver; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2020Konjunkturszenarien, Frühjahr 2020: Im Bann des Coronavirus. Rezession in Europa und der Schweiz wahrscheinlichAbberger, Klaus; Abrahamsen, Yngve; Anderes, Marc; Eckert, Florian; Funk, Anne Kathrin; Garmann, Sebastian; Graff, Michael; Haelg, Florian; Kronenberg, Philipp; Mikosch, Heiner; Mühlebach, Nina; Neuwirth, Stefan; Rathke, Alexander; Sarferaz, Samad; Seiler, Pascal; Siegenthaler, Michael; Streicher, Sina; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2021Schweiz – EU: Weiter Bilaterale oder Schwexit?Sturm, Jan-Egbert; Graff, Michael
2021KOF Prognose der Gesundheitsausgaben: Herbst 2021Anderes, Marc; Graff, Michael
2022KOF-Prognose der Gesundheitsausgaben: Herbst 2022Anderes, Marc; Graff, Michael
2022Imputing monthly values for quarterly time series: An application performed with Swiss business cycle dataAbberger, Klaus; Graff, Michael; Müller, Oliver; Siliverstovs, Boriss